
Business · 01. May 2019
The old paradigm taught to grow bigger, stronger and wider than before and compared to competition. The seemingly never ending push to do more has marked society and its participants to a degree, where hardly anyone is able to recognize the deep stress and the consequences. Record numbers in new diseases as well as frustration and violence are the bill the world pays nowadays. Souls all over the planet wish for meaningful change and a real option for sustainable individual and group awareness.
Business · 28. April 2019
When we recognize that we need some help or orientation for the next step of our personal or professional growth, we encounter an unknown variety of options. Similar to the alternative medicine approaches there is a vast market in terms of experts and different needs. But how can we choose? Who will give us an adequate recommendation when we already are in the process of change and unable to really compare quotations? For coaching and consulting, the main question is for authenticity of values
Business · 22. April 2019
AKASHA is the fifth element and related with the so important throat chakra for communication. In Business, Akasha represents the unlimited ideas for new strategies and future perspectives.
Business · 09. November 2018
SELF realization is the top of the pyramid of needs in old school human resources theory. In the 21st century we definitely can redefine and amplify this vision. Victor Frankl teached the inversed pyramid and the real inside comes from MASTERING DUALITY.
Business · 19. July 2018
Projects and change processes seem today the biggest challenge in business and management. However, with the HOLIVERSAL® approach to sustainable and meaningful activities in all aspects of life, a five step procedure helps to fully integrate all levels of conscious perception. Leaders learn, remember and activate profound wisdom that is helpful in private and work environment. Additionally, the HOLIVERSAL® view on current issues enables our clients to really look into future affairs and success!
Business · 03. February 2018
Do you have enough time and conscious breaks during your business routine to keep your vision open for the wider picture? Do you feel enlightened by the decision making process you are experiencing every day? Do you want to enlarge your field of competence and bring success and joy to all the players in your working environment? After many years of enriching experiences, resolved challenges and convincing growth strategies, there comes the day of the number one question: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE...
Business · 02. February 2018
We are all a success story. The question is whether we are aware of it or still doubt ourselves. The current society with the outdated education system has created an environment where people measure their success by the degree of fulfilling the expectations of others. In HOLIVERSAL® understanding, success is defined by the clarity we gain about our life mission and project plus the coherence we live every day in order to reach our individual contribution. Being alive and aware is already huge!
Business · 15. August 2017
Für besonders tiefgreifende Erkenntnisprozesse bietet sich die Dunkelheit mit Stille und auch sonst Abwesenheit von Umwelteinflüssen und -eindrücken an. Dort wo wir ganz zur Ruhe kommen, sind Impulse auf allen Wahrnehmungsebenen besser aufzunehmen und zu verarbeiten, woraus sich ganz neue Möglichkeiten und revolutionäre Ideen ergeben. Ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz für Reife und Fähigkeiten, Erfahrung und Führung sowie Innenleben und "Außenpolitik" öffnet neue Türen. Am Ende eines jeden Tunnels ...
Business · 01. June 2016
The result of HOLIVERSAL® coaching and consulting projects are outstanding. Awareness of change processes get people into contact with themselves and thus motivated for meaningful projects and team work. As a result, leadership responsibility shifts completely from being a supervisor to really having the opportunity to understand the bigger picture and act as a coordinator of circumstances. The integrated work leads to unknown potentials and hidden champions. Business and work is joy again !
Business · 20. March 2015
HOLIVERSAL® puts all aspects of life into a new set of perspectives. Every belief system, from individual experiences to collective trauma, from the way we sleep to the magnificence of doing meaningful business with limitless success - really every part of life has a chance of a new understanding and a lightfull rebirth. Leadership based on inner knowingness and the mutual balanced relationships between all beings bring blessings without struggle and a peaceful existence in harmony with Earth!